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I come from a proud family with a legacy of public service, I am to committed to working for you. Together, we'll prioritize responsible housing development, senior resources, small business growth, environmental protection, and infrastructure improvement. 



In our town, preserving the cherished country feel while responsible addressing housing development is a top priority of mine. If I am elected, I will commit to responsible development that strikes a balance, where we can expand our community while safeguarding the unique character and quality of life that defines


Our seniors are the pillars of our community and its our moral duty to ensure they enjoy their golden years with dignity and security. By prioritizing and expanding on resources made available to our elderly, we not only honor their contributions, but also strengthen the entire community for generations to come.


Small businesses are the lifeblood of our community, driving innovation, creating jobs, and fostering economic vitality. By supporting small business development, we're not only strengthening our local economy but also nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit that fuels our community's progress.


Protecting our environment, including the iconic Great Salt Lake, is paramount to ensuring a sustainable future for Utah. As a candidate for State Representative, I'm deeply committed to addressing environmental changes head-on. The Great Salt Lake, a vital ecosystem and economic resource, faces threats such as water diversion and pollution. I will advocate for measures to conserve water resources, promote sustainable land use, practices, and mitigate the impact of climate change. By collaborating with stakeholders and implementing evidence-based policies, we can safeguard the Great Salt Lake and preserve it for future generations, while also fostering a healthier environment for all Utah


Investing in our infrastructure is crucial for the future of our community. Our roads, bridges, public transit, and utilities are the backbone of our daily lives. By prioritizing infrastructure, we can ensure our town remains resilient, and ready to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
Industrial and commercial businesses play a vital role in our community's economic prosperity. A robust industrial and commercial sector means a stronger local economy, increased opportunities for our residents, and a brighter future for our community as a whole. 

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